Got Infill? Using Affordable Housing to Fill Gaps and Link Places  These resources explain how affordable housing can be used for community revitalization not only by providing housing for the people who work and live in your community.  These booklets explain strategies for different kinds of sites and for different kinds of neighborhood contexts, demonstrating the importance of thinking beyond the boundaries of the site.  

Infill Typologies Booklet.  This booklet describes design strategies for the kinds of sites you may find in your community and which may be suitable for affordable housing.

Area Typology Booklet. This booklet describes affordable housing design strategies for different kinds of places – downtowns, suburban commercial nodes, residential neighborhoods, and even rural areas.

Case Study Booklet: This booklet places affordable housing case studies into their larger neighborhood contexts. The scaled plans can be used in community-based planning exercises.

Making Room_resized with canvas